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Jealousy is a toxic emotion that can derail your marriage. Find out why thinking the right way about yourself, your spouse, and your relationship can safeguard your marriage.

Key Points:

  1. One step toward weakening jealousy’s grip on you is to recognize that there is more to life than your relationship.
  2. Actively choose to believe that your partner will remain faithful to you even as they contend with the fact that they will find themselves attracted to others from time-to-time.
  3. There are those who are naturally paranoid or mistrustful. The basis of this could be a variety of things ranging from past relationships to childhood traumas.
  4. The more you become confident and happy with you, the less jealous you will be.

Quote This:

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.  – William Penn

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Would you say you struggle regularly with jealousy? Explain.
  3. Name some times you’ve been jealous concerning your spouse/partner. What do you think is the root/trigger for these feelings?
  4. How can jealousy affect a relationship? Give an example.
  5. Why should you not compare yourself to others when it comes to jealousy?
  6. Why is trust important to a relationship? How can mistrust hurt a relationship?
  7. What are some things your spouse can do or not do to help you fight jealousy?
  8. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.