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Take this starter series with 10 of our most popular topics for men.

Topic #1

The Starter Conversation

Just getting started with our tools online? Use this conversation to get things going.

Topic #2

Do the Right Thing as a Man

There’s never a wrong time to the right thing, and there’s never a right time to do the wrong thing.

Topic #3

Here’s What Wealthy People Really Want Out of Life

One of the richest men in the world shares a basic principle that every happy person eventually learns: money isn’t the goal.

Topic #4

Men and the Power of the Visual

Men spend billions of dollars every year to look at naked or scantily-clad women. By comparison, women spend virtually nothing to see unclothed men. What’s going on?

Topic #5

Scientific Evidence to Quit Porn

Many people are not aware of the dangerous effects pornography can have on them and their relationships, and how dopamine fits in.

Topic #6

4 Roadblocks to an Apology

Apologies are hard but they are vital to having healthy relationships. Yet for many of us, we can’t bring ourselves to apologize. Here are four roadblocks to an apology be aware of in your own life.

Topic #7

Cracking the Code: Understanding the 5 Love Languages

Are you struggling to communicate your love effectively? Learn to speak your partner’s language with our guide to mastering the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

Topic #8

Winning the War Within as a Leader

The first four principles for winning in business and in life have nothing to do with luck or environment. It’s all about who you are on the inside.

Topic #9

A Man’s Code of Honor

The tactical virtues of manly men through all generations are strength, courage, mastery and honor.


Topic #10

How to Spread the Leadership Virus

Good leaders communicate mission, vision, and values to their teams. Great leaders communicate in a way that’s viral.