There are seven behaviors that you want to watch out for and deal with right away with your kids. If you don’t, you’ll be in trouble as they grow into teenagers.

Talking Points:

  • #1 Don’t ignore someone’s bad behavior. If you find that your child remains silent when they have witnessed a questionable behavior, you need to talk it through with them.
  • #2 Sibling rivalry. Immediately stop any fighting between siblings and work with them to find the root cause of the conflict.
  • #3 Theft. If your child is at least three to five, then have a conversation with them about what they took and why. Then have them return or pay for the item.
  • #4 Disrespectful attitude. Don’t allow kids to speak with disrespect but do help them find a productive way to express their frustrations.
  • #5 Dishonesty. Lying is a bad habit so stop it while your kids are young and teach them the importance of telling the truth. 
  • #6 Whining. Don’t tolerate whining and help your kids to express themselves calmly and clearly.
  • #7 Rude manners. Teach your kids to treat others with respect and practice good manners.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Is your child exhibiting any of these negative patterns? If so, which one(s)?
  3. Do you remember moving through any of these patterns as a child? How can your experiences help you in dealing with your kids?
  4. Examining your children’s behaviors can be like holding a magnifying glass up to yourself. Do you see any ways that you demonstrate one or more of these patterns to your children?
  5. If your children are falling into any of these patterns, what steps can you take to begin breaking those bad habits in them?
  6. Think about the quote by Frederick Douglass: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Why is it so important to parent well? What consequences might come about if your children reach adulthood without having been reared properly?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?