Partner with FlexTalk

Leverage your business for the good of your staff and clients. Customized partner pages help your people talk about work, life, and everything in between.

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Let’s Talk.

FlexTalk is a movement of families, businesses, and individuals who want to make a difference in our generation and the next. We do this through our massive library of conversation starters – short video and audio bytes organized by category to help people talk about stuff that really matters.  

When you partner with us, you’ll receive a FlexTalk partner page branded just for your company to offer value-added tools for your staff and clients. You pick the topics you want to feature on your page, and we’ll do the rest. It’ll make your brand look amazing… and it’ll help your customers, too.

Click-through Tour

Click through the tabs below to tour the modules on a sample partner page. 

Your custom header image promotes your company’s FlexTalk url. Broadcast this image in your place of business and print invite cards to make available to your staff and clients.

The Personal Topics module is updated every week with new content for everyday life. Each topic includes a short video, summary points, and discussion questions.



The Professional Topics module features content for the workplace. Use these topics in staff meetings or to bring structure to one-on-one professional mentoring.


As an optional benefit to your employees, offer “private sessions” through your FlexTalk consultant. Consulting packages start at $1500 per month and may include on-site workshops at your request.

What's the Cost?

FlexTalk is a 501c3 non-profit organization, and your partnership with us helps us offer FlexTalk content for free to schools and non-profit organizations around the world.

Get Your Page Today

Your company’s custom partner page is just a click away! Simplify your approach to personal and professional development with

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