Learn how the FLEXTALK library can help you have better conversations everywhere. Scroll down for video and discussion questions.


FLEXTALK is a values-based conversation library designed to help you talk about anything – at home, work, school or beyond. It uses a simple, 3-step method for having great conversations:

  1. Find a topic from our massive online library. Everything in our library has been carefully chosen with family values in mind, so you never have to worry about seeing garbage on our site.
  2. Learn about the topic on your own by watching the short video and following up on any links of interest. Share the link with your family, friends, team or mentor so everyone’s on the same page and ready for a great conversation.
  3. Explore the topic together, using the discussion questions provided (if needed) to help spark a meaningful conversation at home, work, school or beyond.

Beyond Information

Our resources start with good, solid information – but our discussion questions bring our tools to a whole new level, empowering conversations that can change lives. We believe great conversations have the power to transform families, businesses, schools and communities. Creating a conversational culture at home will strengthen your marriage and provide a solid foundation for your kids’ future. Creating a conversational culture at work will grow you as a leader and help your entire team to gain clarity of focus. And schools, teams and communities with conversational cultures raise up mentors and leaders for the next generation. Everyone wins with better conversations.

Take the Challenge

Why not give it a try? We challenge you to step out and try one of our conversations in a relationship that matters: with your kids or spouse, with a co-worker or friend, or with a group or team. Find a topic. Share it and start learning about it. Then sit down over coffee and have an actual, real-life conversation. Talk about anything, and get ready to change the world.



Talk about it:

  1. What are some of your favorite sources of information? How often do you use them?
  2. Share a time when a conversation transformed your life or perspective.
  3. What are some conversations you’d like to have with the people closest to you?
  4. Browse the topics on our home page. Which ones are most interesting to you? Which ones would be helpful for some of the people in your life?
  5. What’s an action step you can take today?