Become a Mentor

It’s not rocket science. Anyone can become a mentor with our simple and free system tools.


FLEXTALK.ORG is a free, conversation-based mentoring platform. The method is simple: find a topic, learn about it on your own, and explore it together with a group or mentor. Learn more about the FLEX method

Q: What are the commitments?

Anyone can start mentoring using the resources at – whether at home, at school, on a team or in the workplace. It takes 3 core commitments: invest in people, use the resources, and schedule it. Talk about this topic

Q. How can parents use FLEXTALK at home?

Some of the most successful people in the world have mentors, and the principle applies at home as well. Are you mentoring your kids? Great parents become better parents when they invest intentionally into their kids, one topic at a time. Talk about this topic

Q. How can students use FLEXTALK at school?

FLEXTALK PEER MENTORING is a free, student-led program for middle schools and high schools. Here it is in a nutshell: older students mentor younger students in “student groups” of 4-10 students with two co-leaders. Learn more about peer mentoring

Q. How can leaders use FLEXTALK in the workplace?

NEXT LEVEL STRATEGIC PLANNING is perfect for the workplace, and it’s designed to be completed by executive teams in four sessions: SWOT Analysis, Mission Clarity, Strategic Objectives, and Action Plans. Learn more about strategic planning

Q. How much does it cost?

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The resources are free, so the program is free. FLEXTALK is supported by generous donors who want to change the world. Click here to donate



Our resources are chosen and created with friendly values in mind, based simply on the Golden Rule.


We cover a broad range of topics for every area of life, adding new content almost every day.


Talk isn’t cheap – it’s free. We don’t charge for any of our resources, thanks to user donations.