Facebook. Twitter. Instagram, and whatever's next. It's all awesome. Until it's not.

Talking Points:

  • One unfortunate side-effect of social media is that many of us get our sense of worth from it. We worry about how many likes, shares, and comments we get on our posts and feel good or bad about ourselves based on those things.
  • We feel a pressure to create a false sense of perfection or happiness. We need to look great in every photo, we need to show we’re having a good time all the time, and we can’t ever let it look like we’re having a bad day or struggling through stuff.
  • Remember that social media creates a lot of unrealistic expectations and that everyone struggles with self-confidence from time-to-time. Our worth doesn’t come from social media. Do whatever you have to not to forget it!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some of your favorite apps or social media platforms? Why do you like these?
  3. If you had to guess, how much often are you on social media daily?
  4. Have you ever “put on a front” on social media? Why do you think people feel pressured to put on a front online?
  5. Why do you think it’s a bad idea to compare our “worst day” to someone else’s “best day” when it comes to social media? Explain.
  6. What are some ways you can cut back on your use of social media while not abandoning it completely?
  7. What are some ways you can develop a healthier mentality about social media, how you use it, and why?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?